Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Ennead of Heliopolis

Which was known as the the Osirian Gods and which is based on the Heliopolis Creation Myth and includes the following nine gods:

1. Atum (Atem) who is the the solar/creator god.

2. Shu who is the personification of air.

3. Tefnut who is the personification of moisture.

4. Seb (also known as Geb and Keb) who is the personification of earth.

5. Nut who is the personification of sky.

6. Osiris who is the God of the underworld and afterlife.

7. Isis who is the protector of the Pharaoh/King.

8. Set (Seth) who is the God of chaos.

9. Nephthys (Nebt-het) the mother of the funerary-deity Anubis.

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